Guest blog Writer ------ Mr. Hippo

Feb 19th ,2010 

Now that everyone was ready and assembled (all two of us) we could start seeing some of the amazing countryside that litters China's Southwest.
Our first destination was the world famous "Yangshuo."
There's a poem in Chinese that most people know proclaiming that Guilin has the best landscapes under heaven, and that Yangshuo is the best in Guilin.
While obviously a boast, Yangshuo does indeed have a claim to the title of "best scenery in the world." I would rank it in the same league as Ha Long Bay and the Langtang Valley. The sheer beauty of colossal karst peaks streaking up out of the flat plain is enough to take your breath away.
The bus ride to Yangshuo from Guilin was two hours long. By the last half hour it became very clear that Yangshuo was one of those places where you only need to walk 100 meters to find the next breathtaking view.

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恭喜 Megan 結緍~

那天我哭的像水龍頭   停不下來

好感動  很開心 喝很多

一不小心 喝醉 幸好沒有失禮


Love you Meg~~



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yumafia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


媽說: 曖呦 你不怕苗栗那理有那個嗎?

我說: 哪個? (其實我早就知道她說的那個是哪個)

媽說: 那個呀 你知道的 那個

我說: 是哪個?? (就是要逼他說出那個)

媽說: (已經翻白眼了) 就是那個呀


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賣了 都賣了

前鎮子 網拍

把我過去一段回憶給出賣了   價值 350 元

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你知道我 我也知道你

你不認識我 我也不認識你

你看過我 我也看過你


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yumafia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這一次我是大聲的 大力的吐了出來!!!



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開船前五分鐘 一切都還能見人

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來       來       來        歡迎光臨

右邊那棟白色房子是我房間     左邊那棟是廚房

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