

新竹 新豐鄉  


Great day

Great food and beer

Great companions

Great place to enjoy the sunset

Great talk

( hmm, i didnt' talk much actaully, i spent most of the time eating ,

 drinking while the rest did their talking)


thanks to MJ and his wife, Hui-chen for having us there, 

HC did such a good job on those meat!

yummmmmmmmm i am still thinking about it


thanks to my cuz Dr. Dre, Karen, Olivia, and my bro Jeff

the Yu mafia had another good day together!




thanks to Alex and Vanessa, you guys are awesome!!

very laid back couple, open minded!

hope you had a good day with us!

Good time guys!





On top of that,

that evening Mr. Hippo , Jeff and I headed down to Miaoli

when we got there, we immediately found out

it was a clear night, with only a few clouds

we saw LOTS of stars!!!!!

oh my gosh!!  how lucky we were!

we quickly took our flashlights and drove up to the top of the mountain

in order to see the STARS clearly, 

oh man, my luck kept coming, i saw a huge owl on the tree


(of course i didnt' take this photo)


it was real beautiful!

Mr. Hippo saw it as it flew away

and Jeff was sad that he didnt' get to see it.


we stayed there for a while,

although because Chinese Ghost month has just finished,

Jeff and I still felt kind of freaked out 

So i suggested heading back to the cabin


set up a camp fire, brought out the chairs,

and looked at the stars

Jeff was waiting for his "shooting stars"

didnt' get one

Mr. Hippo and I were just chilling , and thinking what a good day we had.

the camp fire was just perfect for cooking camp food

too bad no more room for more food!! 好可惜!


the next day, we went to an owl museum here in Shi-tan 獅潭


we need to book ourselves in first though

it's ok, something to do next time we are here.


P.S more photos
















    創作者 yumafia 的頭像

    咖哩家 & The Yu Mafia

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